A theoretical and practical workshop on the interaction between choreography, sounds and images with Ariella Vidach and Claudio Prati. Directed at choreographers, dancers, performers, musicians, composers, interaction designers, visual and new media artists, students, philosophers, critics, academics.
Where: CID – Centro Internazionale della Danza, Corso Rosmini 58, Rovereto (TN), Italy
When: 15th-16th February 2020
Deadline for applications: 31st January 2020
Description of opportunity: The workshop conducted by Ariella Vidach and Claudio Prati invites a group of maximum 12 participants to investigate performative processes applied to the field of new technologies and the relationship between human nature and artificiality, between humanity and robotics, between body and sensible environments. The journey aims at offering basic instruments to develop an interactive score, both sound-wise and choreography-wise. This score will find its main character in the relation between man and “machine-automaton-system” in a journey scattered with movements, sounds, images.
The 2-day workshop firstly begins with a three-hour study session about the programs as well as the interactive systems realized by the company for their own shows, comprised of technical and aesthetical focuses. A second phase, of about nine hours, will be of experiential nature; at first, the effect of the movement sequences on sounds and images will experiment thanks to the use of some applications specifically developed for the company’s productions. Some examples could be INaxyz, based on accelerometers, voxLIVE, based on microphones, SLS and LMP that permit the handling of in-real-time sounds and images.
In a second phase, participants will be invited to experiment, building an interactive project with hybrid elements (belonging to different dimensions of reality): from a brainstorming phase through the theoretical sharing of imagery, until the reaching of a hypothesis and, in the end, a minimal practical part.
You can proceed with the registration:
– online: check the website (online payment by credit card)
– by email to cid@centrodelladanza.it and sending the registration form
Costs for participants: 120 euro.
Early Booking: if you book by 20th December 2019.
You will get a 20% discount on the registration fee.
For further information, please visit https://www.orienteoccidente.it/en/cid/program/the-choreographic-creation-between-virtuality-and-_4964_ida/